WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. Braemar Proposals Proposals BM/H1: A site to the south and west of Braemar Lodge Hotel has outline consent for 20 dwellings although capacity could be increased to at least 25. A [RED detailed planning application is with the National Park Authority. The application will now be considered in line with the current adopted local plan (Aberdeenshire Local Plan 2006), but will assist in providing housing for this local plan and its housing needs. RED] BM/H2: [RED A detailed planning application is with the National Park Authority for the development of this site for 30 dwellings, and is linked to the provision of off site affordable dwellings at Kindrochit Court. The application will now be considered in line with the current adopted local plan (Aberdeenshire Local Plan 2006), but will assist in providing housing for this local plan and its housing needs. RED] [RED (An additional permission of 12 houses at Invercauld Farm will also be included as providing housing for this local plan and its housing needs) RED] [RED BM/ED1: the site of the ambulance station may provide opportunity for small scale economic development, particularly where this supports the economic growth of the community. RED] [RED BM/ED2: the mews square is a key facility within the centre of the village and has capacity to support additional retail and business units to consolidate the current development. RED] [RED BG/ED3: The existing caravan and camping site provides continued support to the provision of tourism accommodation within Braemar and will be protected from adverse development. Where appropriate, enhancement opportunities will be supported. RED] BM/C1: A site north of St Andrew’s Terrace will be reserved for use by the community to provide a Community Health Centre, associated facilities or other appropriate community use. Part of the site is within the indicative 1 in 200 year flood risk area. Prospective developers will be required to prepare more detailed flood risk assessments to demonstrate that the site is not at risk of flooding. BM/Env: [RED A number of open spaces and land which contributes to the setting of Braemar are identified and will be protected from adverse development. RED] (Please note Braemar falls wholly within a National Scenic Area designation) Image: Map of Braemar (Not available in full text format - please refer to PDF file) (c) Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Cairngorms National Park Authority 100040965 2008 (c)SNH Legend Cairngorms National Park Sites of Special Scientific Interest Special Protection Areas Special Area of Conservation Ramsar Convention Site National Nature Reserve Gardens & Designed Landscapes National Scenic Area Conservation Area Settlement Boundary Indicative Settlement Boundary Settlement Zone Type Community Economic Development Housing Environment Village Centre